Coming Clean The Podcast - Episode 21 Megan Amaya - Bipolar Disorder & Addiction, A Deadly Combination


My name is Megan! I’m 33 years old and I live in Seattle, Washington. I’ve been married to my husband, Kyle for five years and we have a beautiful Cane Corso mastiff named Roman. Being a wife and dog mom brings me so much joy! I started “The Mind Bar” because I want to make a difference in the mental health community. I want to give hope and inspiration to those that are living in darkness. I want to set an example that no matter how bad things are, recovery is possible. MIND stands for “Mental Illness does Not Define.” I have been diagnosed with Bipolar type 1 (psychotic features), panic disorder and PTSD. I have been hospitalized 4 separate times for episodes of mania and depression. It has been a painful road to receive the help I have needed for many years. I had a horrific manic episode in the spring of 2017 after being misdiagnosed with depression.  I had another manic episode in the spring of 2018. At the time, I was abusing alcohol which lead me to believe that I no longer needed to take my medications. Finally, with my families unconditional support, I made the decision to seek intensive treatment at a dual diagnosis facility on the East Coast! I stayed for 70 days and worked with a specialized therapist as well as did a variety of group classes. It was there that I learned how important it is to stay sober if I want to live a healthy life. As a result, I have never felt better! June 7, 2018 is my alcohol free birthday!! I’m proud to say that I’m a survivor💪🏻I have been a licensed cosmetologist for over a decade. I successfully ran my hair salon for 6 years. Unfortunately I made the choice to stop working behind the chair. I’ve prioritized all my energy into my mental health. Reaching the conclusion to end my career was devastating BUT I had to do what was in the best interest of my well-being.Fitness is a passion of mine!! I do CrossFit anywhere between 3 and 5 times a week. Lifting weights relieves stress and builds my confidence! I have realized that it is crucial for me to exercise in order to successfully manage my mental illness. Working out keeps my highs from getting too high and my lows from getting too low. For the most part, everyone at my gym is aware of my mental health issues. In September 2019, my husband (who is a CrossFit coach) organized and ran a mental health event where I gave my first public speech. I told my story to a group of around 60 people! I’m very thankful to be a part of a community that supports and uplifts me!! I hope to do more public speaking in the future!There is always a bright light at the end of the tunnel. With determination, YOU CAN turn your “mess” into your message! I believe we all have a purpose to fulfill. Throughout my ups and downs, I have chosen to practice blind faith. At some points, I couldn’t envision how I would ever reach stability. Deep down inside of me, I heard a voice telling me to NOT give up! Perseverance and GRIT are the ingredients to my success story. If I can get to where I’m at today, then the possibilities in life are endless. I have a YouTube channel talking more in depth about the heartache I have endured as well as where I am currently on my mental health journey. Scroll to the right to subscribe. Thank you to all my loved ones for never giving up on me. You can make it through the storm! Believe in yourself because I BELIEVE IN YOU✨

Joseph Ortega