How to Develop a Successful Mindset with Baskal Korkis - Visionary/Entrepreneur, Ep #111

If you come from an immigrant family, this episode will speak straight to you. If you have struggled with believing you could even have a dream, this will really speak to you.

Baskal Korkis was fortunate to find his own passion for investing & entrepreneurship when he was just a kid. At age 11, he was often scouring local sports card shops, comic book stores and garage sales for collectable items to buy and resell.

By age 14, he learned about real estate. After 5 years of studying, he was able to buy his first property. With a whole lot of hard work and dedication, his portfolio quickly grew to 10 buildings by age 23. Today, he owns over sixteen buildings in the best locations in the Tampa Bay region.

Through KOR Capital Fund and his social media channels, he helps educate like-minded individuals about wealth-building opportunities that offer passive income and tax savings. Baskal is also actively involved in the operations of his own mortgage company, accounting firm, insurance agency, and a construction, property management & rental company. 

You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...

  • What it was like for Baskal’s parents separately migrating to America from Syria (1:43)

  • The challenges his father faced as an immigrant in America (5:21)

  • Why necessity inspires hustle (10:31)

  • How gratitude is the key to opportunity (18:37)

  • How even children can learn how to earn and save (23:20)

  • How to shut out negativity from your naysayers (28:26)

  • The key to making money by investing in the front end and saving in the back end (36:11)

  • Why checking the sources of the models you’re looking to follow matters (42:31)

What makes immigrants so focused on pursuing success

Baskal’s family immigrated to the United States from Syria when Baskal was a toddler. His parents were extremely hard-working and focused, but the American Dream still seemed far out of reach. Even with both parents working very hard, the best they could afford was living in a rough part of New Jersey. Because Baskal didn’t know any better, he didn’t think anything of it. He started working at a barber shop at age 8. After learning about how profitable real estate investing can be at age 14, Baskal became focused on achieving financial freedom through investing and he bought his first property at age 19.

Why necessity inspires hustle

When Baskal learned that regular individuals could own apartment buildings, homes, and larger buildings, his mind was blown. He immediately saw the potential of taking out a loan to buy his first property and began his deep dive into learning about real estate investing. The opportunity to put just 20% down on a property in the United States compared to 50% in many countries allowed him the chance to do what he thought was unthinkable. As Baskal pointed out, America is the land of opportunity, not the land of handouts.

The process for improving your life

There’s a reason why gratitude is always listed as one of the first keys to a better life. If you can’t appreciate what you already have, it will be much harder for you to grow and be blessed with more. Baskal also recommends choosing something to pursue that you love doing. If you’re going to work hard either way, it’s much more sustainable to do something you enjoy. For him, that was real estate flipping. For a musician, it is all about listening and playing to music. Whatever you are trying to improve in will be supported by your passion for it. Finally, faith is key to keep you going when things are tough.

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